> Generative Art Gallery

Plaid Burn Pieces to Unlock

Plaid is an innovative first in the NFT space where an erc1155 token displays a different image per user viewing it.
Originally released as a free to claim piece which minted over ten thousand pieces to over three thousand wallets.
The piece is to be used as a token to acquire new innovations in generative works. Each new piece will be released over time.
This page is a preview page of things to come and a hub to take you to the next piece which can be claimed.
The examples below are links to interactive generative pieces, each with their own unique behavior. Some have audio components to them utilizing generative oscillators. To activate the audio component requires clicking on the piece.
Next piece will unlock for viewing and claim when 5 have been minted.

Please note that the audio will not work on current mobile devices as they have an audio limit which does not allow for this level of generative audio.

Plaid Harmonics

Plaid Harmonics Thumbnail

Interactive generative audio-visual experience. Click here to claim

Calm Swell

Calm Swell Thumbnail

Interactive generative audio-visual experience.

Descending Divs

Descending Divs Thumbnail

Interactive generative audio-visual experience.


hurstPlaid_BlipsNShit Thumbnail

Interactive generative audio-visual experience.

In Too Plaid

In Too Plaid Thumbnail

Interactive generative visual experience.

Rolling Swell

Rolling Swell Thumbnail

Interactive generative visual experience.

Linear Flow

Linear Flow Thumbnail

Interactive generative visual experience.